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Ammonia is one of the most important products of the chemical industry used to produce nitrogen-containing compounds, nitric acid and fertilizers.

In liquid form and in the form of ammonia water, ammonia is used in agriculture as an independent fertilizer.

Applying 100 kilograms of ammonia per hectare of land increases the yield of wheat by 8-10%, of corn — by 60%.

Productivity increases by 20-60%

When applying ammonia for winter wheat planting, the average grain yield increase from liquid ammonia is higher than from ammonium nitrate by 1.1-2.7 C/ha, depending on the fertilizer. Also, the technology of applying anhydrous ammonia helps to increase the yield and quality of grain.

57% cheaper

It is estimated that the cost of agricultural enterprises for application of 1 kg of nitrogen in the form of liquid ammonia is 57% lower than when using urea and ammonium nitrate

Guarantee of delivery on time!

The monitoring systems used by the company allow to set the schedule in a way to avoid queues for shipment and deliver ammonia on time

Ammonia, GOST 6221-90 "Technical liquid ammonia. Technical specifications"

We have all the necessary licenses and certificates of quality that meet international requirements

Order ammonia

Why do American and European farmers choose anhydrous ammonia?

The widespread use of liquid ammonia for agricultural crop fertilization by consumers is due to the high concentration of nitrogen in ammonia and lower prices compared to other nitrogen fertilizers (it is used as an outgoing semi-finished product for the manufacture of some of them, therefore, a ton of nitrogen in liquid ammonia has always been and will be 16-22% cheaper than in any other form of nitrogen fertilizer)

  • There are currently about 120 anhydrous ammonia distribution stations in France that provide farms with service
  • Calculated as 1 hectare - 100 kg of anhydrous ammonia is comparable to 2.3-3.0c of ammonium nitrate.
  • Liquid ammonia is resistant to leaching out by autumn-winter-spring precipitation and irrigating waters
  • Anhydrous ammonia is applied as the main fertilizer for all crops. The use of anhydrous ammonia reduces labor and fuel and lubricant materials costs
  • Rodents and other pests are neutralized, and the development of mold fungi is suppressed, when processing straw with liquid ammonia

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A. Mickevičiaus gatvė, 7A, LT-08119 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania